Category: Home Owners

Posted on | Green Homes Grant, Home Owners, Incentives

New £2 billion Green Homes Grant

ZLC Energy is proud to be involved in the government’s new Green Homes Grant!  The grant will give over 600,000 homeowners in England up to £10,000 to install insulation, heat pumps, solar thermal and more. This scheme aims to help households cut energy bills. The £2 billion Green Homes Grant will be going live at

Posted on | Business owners, Communities, Home Owners

Replant and Regrow

We are really pleased to have received a Grant from the BIG2 Project funded from the ERDF as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.  It partly funded our move to new premises in Liskeard in November 2017. Since then, we have employed 2 new members of staff and help us

Posted on | Home Owners

The physical web & bluetooth beacons in cornwall

What is the physical web? Technology moves at such a fast pace these days, and there is always something new to discover. Compared to say, the Nest or Tesla, the physical web doesn’t sound too exciting does it? It might not have a catchy name, but I think it could become pretty useful to us

Posted on | Home Owners

Why we’re supporting Chocolarder’s Cornish chocolate.

  I first mentioned Chocolarder, Cornwall’s very own ethical chocolatiers, in the run up to Christmas. I’d seen thier chocolate at local craft fairs and was tempted because it looked amazing, it’s local and I love chocolate. To be precise, I love dark chocolate, so finding really great quality chocolate is always a pleasure. When

Posted on | Home Owners

The hottest day on record

Imagine the hottest day on record. Imagine being on the London* Underground, and then add 6°, 8° or 12°. That’s hot, right? Sounds fun doesn’t it? No? Not tempting you with that one, huh? So, that’s what a 4° rise in global average temperatures would be like on a day to day basis. When scientists

Posted on | Home Owners

What are Flexiwatts?

Never heard of Flexiwatts? No, neither had I until very recently, but I think they’re pretty exciting, and will be the key to the future of our energy supply. So what are they? Flexiwatts are ‘electric loads that can be shifted in time’ – basically, it’s a term for demand side energy management, or demand

Posted on | Home Owners

Is solar PV battery storage right for my home?

Are you ready to get energy smarter? Is solar PV battery storage the best place to start… 2016 looks set to be an interesting year for energy- it’s all about becoming energy smarter. Solar PV battery storage, flexiwatts and  negawatts – what can they do for you? How customers choose their energy supplier, their renewables,

Posted on | Business owners, Home Owners

Low Carbon Christmas

  We’re all about Low Carbon here, and you don’t have to shell out the pounds on a solar install to get carbon cutting. I wrote recently about Luci’s Carbon Cutting project, so sticking with the small steps ethos, I’ve compiled a countdown to a Low Carbon Christmas. Each day until the 25th, a recommendation

Posted on | Feed in Tariff, Home Owners, Solar

Cutting carbon for COP21

Some months ago, as the government began their slow but steady attack on the UK renewables industry, I chanced upon a Crowdfunder project set up by Luci Isaacson at Climate Vision. A few years ago, in the run up to COP15, Luci ran a carbon cutting project, calculating the cost-per-tonne of carbon savings as a

Posted on | Business owners, Communities, Home Owners, Solar

Investing in Community Energy

  In early November this year, the UK Treasury announced they would be removing community energy from the SEIS and EIS investment schemes –in effect slashing the return on investment and dis-incentivising potential investors. The news was pretty catastrophic for many community energy groups, although, after the intensive attack already waged on the solar industry