Energy solution:
Commercial Solar PV
The Stats:
Energy generated: 350,000 kWh/year
Carbon Reduction: 112 tonnes/year
Annual Return on Investment: 21%
“We had some very challenging conditions during installation including major storms and the need to accelerate completion ahead of COVID19 lockdown.
ZLC delivered for us throughout without inconvenience to my team”
Andy Seaman, Energy Manager, University of Exeter
About the Client
The University of Exeter combines world class research with excellent student satisfaction at its campuses in Exeter and Cornwall. It is a member of the Russell Group of leading research-intensive universities. Formed in 1955, the University has 25,263 students, 21% of which is from more than 130 different countries. Its success is built on a strong partnership with its students and a clear focus on high quality performance.
What was their goal?
In 2019, the University declared Climate Emergency following the IPPC 1.5 Report, with an ambitious target to bring down its carbon emissions to Net Zero by 2030. Part of the initial action plan in response to this emergency is a programme of Rooftop Solar PV installations across its campuses. ZLC Energy were the successful tenderer to deliver this framework to 2025.
How did we help?
We developed a prioritised strategy of Solar installations based on optimum cost benefit. Wehave designed, installed and commissioned phase 1 of the Solar PV installations. The systems were designed for minimal business interruption on the busy campuses during installation and designed for safe future maintenance & repair.
System & Products
Benefits to the client:
- Long term framework contract relationship.
- Installed without business interruption during 3 named storms.
- Low profile system to maintain site aesthetics.
Install time
5 years