Feed in tariff rates, July 2015

Ofgem will be reducing the rates for the solar feed in tariff on 1st July 2015. The rates will be as follows:

4kWp will drop from 13.39 pence to 12.92p

4 – 10 kWp will drop from 12.13 pence to 11.71 pence

10-50kWp will remain the same

50-150 kWp will drop from 9.98 pence to 9.63 pence

150 – 250 kWp will drop from 9.54 pence to 9.21 pence

Call us today to book a survey, the current rates will be available until 30th June, before the new tariffs coming into effect on 1st July.

01276 390390

Latest rates table