Category: Home Owners

Posted on | Business owners, Home Owners

Visit England champions sustainable tourism

Cornwall is well known for its allure as a holiday destination, with it’s unique landscape and stunning coastline. This is reflected by the number of highly successful holiday businesses in the county, as demonstrated in the recent Cornwall Tourism Awards, where we were impressed to see many of our clients pick up awards. Businesses winning

Posted on | Home Owners

Warm and Cosy Christmas!

Thank you to all our loyal customers this year, we wish you all a happy Christmas and hope you’re making the most of your energy savings this winter. If you are reading this, and you are not yet one of our valued customers, now is a good time to go for it! The regular degression

Posted on | Home Owners

Bre National Solar Centre, Cornwall

Living and working in Cornwall has too many benefits to list, but for a company like ours, we couldn’t be luckier than to have the Bre National Solar Centre on our doorstep. Next month, Bre are hosting a Smart Solar Energy event at thier base in the Eden Centre. The event will showcase smart solar

Posted on | Home Owners

Falmouth School’s Solar Success

A Cornish school, based near Falmouth, has reached an impressive funding goal enabling solar panels to be fitted in time for the start of the new school year. Mabe School fitted a 10kw solar panel system over the summer break, ready for the children’s return, after exceeding their initial £10,000 target by over £2000. As

Posted on | Home Owners

Ultra energy efficient vehicle designed by Cornish students.

We have recently been impressed by the successful debut entry from the CUC (Combined Universities Cornwall) team in the Shell Eco Marathon. The marathon is an annual event, challenging student teams from across Europe to design and build ultra energy efficient vehicles. The winners are the teams that go the furthest using the least amount

Posted on | Home Owners

Innovative road design is SOlar AMAZING!

About a week ago, we tweeted about Scott and Julie Brusaw from Idaho USA, who have spent the last 8 years dedicating their time and resources to developing a revolutionary new road surface – the Solar Roadway. Scott is an engineer with 25 years experience in industry, and Julie is a counsellor, a couple with an

Posted on | Home Owners

Heat Pump Tumble Driers

A short while ago, our designer Chris, was looking into a heat pump tumble dryer for his family – the Samsung DV80F5E5HGW (8Kg load). Obviously, being a technical expert, he loved the heat pump technology, but he had also worked out how much it could save his family in ££ and energy use –  around

Posted on | Home Owners, Solar


We think the website YouGen is a great place to start if you are looking to save energy costs or invest in renewable energy. You can get independent advice about how to choose a reputable installer and what you need to look out for. They also have lots of hints and tips about saving energy,

Posted on | Home Owners

The Source

We are proud to be teaming up with Total Energy Solutions for ‘The Source’ trade show at Expowest in February. We are experienced in providing renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions to the food & beverage industry in the South-West, and we will be on hand to explain the different technologies available and their business